Hello Calvary family and friends!
I hope and pray that you have had a wonderful and relaxing summer. Things have been going great at Calvary. We have so enjoyed welcoming so many people, including lots of new faces, to worship each week. We have added a bunch of new staff people who are bringing new energy and ideas. I am so excited for the program year to begin this fall! I believe God is going to do great things!
Anyone who has visited our Golden Valley Campus knows that our Worship Center is BIG. We can comfortably seat over 1,000 people. The current reality is that a large majority of modern service attenders go to our 10:30 a.m. service. And oftentimes our 9 a.m. modern service feels somewhat empty (even with over 100 people in attendance). This makes it difficult for visitors to feel comfortable, and for people to consider inviting their friends. So, starting Kickoff Weekend (Sunday, September 8) we are going to try out a new worship schedule, by combining our Golden Valley modern services into one 10 a.m. service.
Fall Worship Schedule:
- Golden Valley Campus: 10 a.m. (Worship Center), 9 & 10:30 a.m. (Chapel)
- Minnetonka Campus: 10:30 a.m. (Worship Center)
What this change will accomplish:
- It will be easier to invite friends to one larger service at 10 a.m.
- It will be easier for visitors to come and feel comfortable
- It will enable live preaching at 9 a.m. in the Chapel
What can you do?
The reality is, change can be really hard for many of us. But in order to better live out our mission, let’s stay positive and united. If 10 a.m. is a hard time for you, we would love for you to try out the 9 or 10:30 a.m. services in the Chapel, or the 10:30 a.m. service at Minnetonka. There are so many great options to worship together at Calvary!
The other thing you can do is invite your friends and family to worship with you. The best way to grow a church is through personal invites. If every single one of us was inviting people each week, we would see tremendous growth!
I am so excited for this fall. I believe God is preparing us for an exciting season of spiritual and numerical growth. Let’s keep on following His lead together!
Grace + Peace,