Our Missionaries

Calvary supports missionary families around the world as they live out the Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18). We invite you join us in offering your friendship, prayer and financial support to them.

Photo of Reid & Carolyn Lamphere

Athletes in Action
Reid & Carolyn Lamphere

Reid Lamphere–often with his wife, Carolyn–travels to many international locations and competitions through Athletes in Action, a Campus Crusade for Christ ministry. Reid works with national leaders to negotiate opportunities to evangelize at such large events as the Olympics. He also trains and supports teams all over the world to reach out to the athletes who are often stars and heroes in their native countries. To receive ministry updates from the Lampheres, contact them by email.

Photo of Neeraj & Nijhar Ekka

Pastors Neeraj & Nijhar Ekka
Maani, Urbas, Puna & Jhumpa

Pastors Neeraj and Nijhar are teachers to pastors, missionaries and leaders of the church in Ranchi, North India and serve through the World Mission Prayer League. They are Calvary’s first missionaries supported in India. To learn more, contact the Ekkas by email.

Photo of Juan & Anne Fernandez
Latin America, Bolivia                

Pastor Juan & Anne Fernandez       
Jordan, Joshua & Gabriela

Pastor Juan is an Associate Director for Latin America through the World Mission Prayer League. He works with missionaries, pastors and church leaders throughout Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Mexico. To learn more, contact Juan and Anne by email.

Sherry Mohamed

Somali Outreach
Sherry Mohamed

Sherry reaches out to Somalis through Arrive Ministries in the Minneapolis metro area but is also called upon to teach and train nationally those who want to witness to Somalis. Church leaders at Calvary, as well as other churches have organized quilting and cooking groups with Somalis to work together while telling stories from the Bible. To learn more, contact Sherry by  .

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Mazahua Valley Ministries
Pastor Tacho & Sally Dominguez

The Dominguezes work with the local Bible institute, pastors and churches to develop lay leaders and provide biblical training and resources for the spiritual growth of the church and the surrounding community. Learn more

Photo of Tom & Mary Holman
Ghana & Nigeria 

Wycliffe Bible Translators
Tom & Mary Holman

In 1981, Tom & Mary began working with the Anufo people in Ghana, West Africa, to translate the New Testament. This was completed in 2007. Now, they are assisting the local Christian leaders in the translation of the Old Testament and also serve as consultants and trainers for the Luke Partnership Project in Nigeria. To learn more email   or   or visit Wycliffe Bible Translators.