Golden Valley Worship Center
7520 Golden Valley Rd
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Service Times
Sunday 10:00 AM
7520 Golden Valley Rd
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Sunday 10:00 AM
18360 Minnetonka Blvd
Deephaven, MN 55391
Sunday 10:30 AM
7520 Golden Valley Rd.
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
When a loved one dies, we are here to help you through this difficult time with compassion and care for your loved one and your family. A staff member will meet with you and your family to assist with the details and preparations for the celebration of life service.
Please click here for more general information about funerals at Calvary.
Email Pastor Dagny Hess or call at 763.231.2969.
Talking about your wishes in advance may make things easier for your loved ones at this difficult time. Make your desires known by filling out this Planning Your Funeral or Memorial Service worksheet. If you wish, Calvary will place your wishes in a confidential file available only to the pastors.
Advance care planning may also include talking to your loved ones about your healthcare choices if a time comes when you are unable to speak for yourself. Calvary’s Parish Nurses are here to help. Contact Pastor Dagny Hess, or call 763.231.2969.
A columbarium is a group of small compartments for ashes. It’s a place to reflect, grieve, honor, and pray. Our columbarium is located in Calvary Park.
For more information and/or to reserve a niche, contact Lisa Reesnes, 763.231.2941.
Calvary believes that Christian stewardship leads us to bless others beyond our own lifetimes. Calvary Endowment Funds help people do just that. Become a donor through lifetime or planned giving. Visit Calvary’s Endowment Funds page for a list of endowment funds. For more information, contact Liz Turner, 763.231.2963.
If you would like to be notified of deaths within the congregation, click the Register button.
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