Golden Valley Worship Center
7520 Golden Valley Rd
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Service Times
Sunday 10:00 AM
7520 Golden Valley Rd
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Sunday 10:00 AM
18360 Minnetonka Blvd
Deephaven, MN 55391
Sunday 10:30 AM
7520 Golden Valley Rd.
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Prayer Team (virtual or in-person)
Meet weekly to pray for the single moms and their families.
Be a mentor/friend to single moms (female)
Develop a one-to-one relationship with a single mom and her family. Meet occasionally and
text/talk on the phone weekly. Listen, disciple, and get blessed!
Minister to children (adult or teen)
Single moms can attend the group because we provide childcare for their child/children.
Volunteer to help regularly or occasionally from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings.
Help with special events (adult)
Single Moms’ Connection has monthly events. You can help plan and facilitate the events.
Upcoming events include Trunk or Treat, a Thanksgiving meal, and a Christmas Party.
Adopt a family (family or individual)
Your family can adopt a woman-headed family. Develop a relationship with the family. Invite
their family over for meals, events, holidays, etc.
Help with food set-up/clean-up (adult)
Help get food, set it up, and/or clean up Wednesday evening meals and/or help with meals for
special events (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Day at the Lake, etc.).
Be a special speaker
Come on a Wednesday evening to speak on a topic you are passionate about.
Lend a skill (male or female)
Meet with a single mom to help her with specific needs such as:
Car maintenance
Budgeting and financial decisions
Home maintenance
Career planning
Become a parent coach
Get trained as a parent coach and meet with moms to help guide them in their parenting
Social Media / Website Help
Help with social media and/or help launch a website for Single Moms’ Connection.